
Nepal Bar Council is an independent legal institution established by the Nepal Bar Council Act, 1993. The main objectives of the Council are to promote, protect and regulate the activities of the law practitioners in a more professional manner. It discharges its duties and responsibilities in accordance with this Act and the rules and regulations framed thereunder in areas of internal Management, Financial Administration, Rules of Employees, code of Conduct for Lawyers, Curriculum for examination and conducting the examinations for law practice etc.

The eleven-member executive body of the Bar Council comprises a host of dignified and responsible people from the legal field. The Attorney General of Nepal and the Chairman of the Nepal Bar Association are the ex-officio Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Council, respectively. Apart from this, the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Nepal and the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Tribhuvan University, Nepal are the ex-officio Councilors. Out of the remaining nine councilors seven are elected, one each from seven provinces of Nepal and two are nominated by the Nepal Bar Association. The post of the Secretary to the Council is filled by the Nepal Government with a Gazetted IInd Class Officer from its Judicial Service until the Council has its own Secretary.

The Working Areas of the Council
From its establishment in 1995, the Council has been working tirelessly to achieve its objectives mainly concentrating in the following areas:

1 Conducting examination for issuing licence for law practice.
2 Keeping the records of the law practitioners and working effectively for their professional development.
3 Reviewing and Investigation the adherence to the code of conduct by the law practitioners.